The EdgePal Forest
Price 2250 SEK
The Forest is a tool you can take with you outdoors and maintain your edges when they get dull on the spot they became dull.
The Forest sharpens both flat and convex edges, and are adjustable for blade width.
Prior to sharpening always, maintain 16,5 cm between the edge to be sharpened and the pivot point (markings on the guide rods will help you with this distance).
The Forest has a adjustable knife blade support and a protractor with up to 20 degrees (one side of the edge).
The protractor shows up to 20 degrees and also half degrees are marked.
The Forest can grind both parallel and three shaped blades and the blades are fixed in position on the grinding table by two magnets with 7 kilo magnetic power each.
Max blade length for Forest is 18 cm.
The Forest has a shaft you can hold in different positions, that makes Forest easy to work with during the sharpening process. The Forest can also be clamped in an adjustable vice and you can work with both hands during the sharpening process.
Standard Forest delivery includes:
Forest as in the pictures
Guide rod for flat edge
Guide rod for convex edge
Two sided sharpening stone 25 micron diamonds on one side, fine ceramic on the other (the stone is a Fallkniven DC4)
Adjustable sharpener (stone) holder, sharpeners (stones) of up to 12 cm can be used.
Instructions of use in English
See also: extra equipment
Any questions? Just email me!